Peter Yeung: The country rejecting throwaway culture

Nearly two-thirds of Europeans would rather repair their products than buy new ones   The French capital hosts a dozen of these so-called "repair cafes" – free, monthly initiatives that allow local residents to fix household objects and electronics with the help and advice of enthusiastic volunteers. Pioneered by journalist Martine Postma in Amsterdam in 2009, hundreds of similar workshops take place across Europe.

"We're a society of waste and overconsumption," says Emmanuel Vallée, organiser of the Repair Café Paris, which typically sees around 25 people attending per event, including some online, since it launched in May 2019. "We throw things away that we don't need to."...

Restoring forests could capture two-thirds of the carbon humans have added to the atmosphere

Book review: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History // Conservative groups spend up to $1bn a year to fight action on climate change

From Siberia to Australia: the age of fire is the bleakest warning yet        

The Amazon is burning. The climate is changing. And we're doing nothing to stop it

MONEY TO BURN: Over 300 banks and investors back 6 of the world’s most harmful agribusinesses to the tune of $44bn

REBECCA SMITHERS - We Are Flushing Away Our Forests: Researchers warn that toilet paper is becoming unsustainable

David Cox - The planet's prodigious poo problem

Owen Jones: Why don’t we treat the climate crisis with the same urgency as coronavirus?

Abolish War - Russell-Einstein Manifesto of 1955

Chomsky: Internationalism or Extinction

John Sentamu - It’s time to act against the oil companies causing death and destruction

Capitalism and war: The money behind Sudan's most powerful militia

Keeping up with China: US Navy orders $22 billion worth of submarines // World military expenditure grows to $1.8 trillion in 2018

World military expenditure grows to $1.8 trillion in 2018

Start-up devours pollution with new plastic recycling method

Call to Earth and the extraordinary people working for a more sustainable future

Anna Fletcher: Indian student creates a brick made from recycled plastic

Scientists Accidentally Create A Plastic-Eating Enzyme

Could the Free World start cleaning up its act - from the bottom up?

Wiped out: America's love of luxury toilet paper is destroying Canadian forests

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