Petition re Suspension of academic in Kerala because he talked about fascism and Sangh Parivar

"By academic freedom, I understand the right to search for truth and publish and teach what one holds to be true. This right also implies a duty: one must not conceal any part of what one has recognised to be true." - Albert Einstein

Sign the petition:

Dr Gilbert Sebastian, an Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations and Politics, Central University of Kerala (CU Kerala), was suspended for exercising his academic freedom and standing by for what he believed was the truth.

During his online class on 'Fascism and Nazism', on 19th April 2021, he said, "The RSS and its affiliate organisations, together called the Sangh Parivar, meaning the Sangh family (including the BJP) in India, can also be considered proto-fascist". Proto-fascist movements are those influenced by classical fascist organisations. He also spoke of the vaccine export policy of the Central government as an example of a patriotism of sorts as related to fascist movements..

Although his online class was based on theoretical literature and backed by facts, the ABVP unit of the university filed a complaint against him to the MHRD, the UGC and the University Vice-Chancellor. A member of the National Monitoring Committee on Education under the MHRD wrote to the Vice-Chancellor and the UGC requesting "immediate Disciplinary Action". As per the 'The New Indian Express report on 22nd May, the University's Vice-Chancellor was under "tremendous pressure" to take action against Dr. Gilbert .

His suspension can be seen in the light of a larger issue regarding the systematic suppression of academic freedom in the country, which if not fought back, will for sure, lead to the doom of the Indian education system and the society at large. The disciplinary proceedings against Dr. Gilbert has been initiated under the Central Civil Service Rules which was illegally adopted in CU Kerala in 2016 as part of a broader anti-democratic agenda. This was done despite the 2015 judgement of the Allahabad High Court which clearly stated that the CCS Rules would have "no application to a Central University".

We, therefore, demand the scrapping of CCS Rules in CU Kerala and an unconditional revocation of the suspension of Dr. Gilbert Sebastian. Hence, it is a request to you to sign this petition and raise your voice for upholding academic freedom as this is a matter concerning not just our present but also our future...

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