History Archive: Communist Party of India Report (1950) - Imperialist aggression in Kashmir

This report, entitled Imperialist Aggression in Kashmir, File # CPI -190 (1950); is a document obtained from the PC Joshi Archive at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. It was published on January 6, 1950, by Mashal Publishing House, Bombay, and appeared in the January 6 1950, issue of Crossroads. The document also contains extracts from the CPI organ People's Age dated January 11, 1948. 

It may be noted that the CPI was in a state of armed confrontation with the newly independent Dominion of India from early 1948 till late 1951. This document reflects the Party's approach to Kashmir during that period.

A scanned PDF copy is available here:

Also see: 
History Archive: Communist Party of India's resolution on Pakistan and National Unity, September 1942

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