Suhas Palshikar: Scars of CAB will further burn bridges between northeast and rest of India / Mukul Kesavan: An evil hour

<Latest news from Assam and Northeast>

Parliament has passed the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill. The debate over the bill bears testimony to the significance of the values of constitutionalism and secularism and the importance of icons like Gandhi and Ambedkar. For, in defending the bill, the ideological deceit of the BJP — along with its cowardice — could only hide behind these fig leafs. Nowhere in the debates has the BJP or its supporters shown the courage to say that they want to change the basis of what constitutes citizenship. The constant refrain is that what they are doing is true secularism and that even Ambedkar would have been happy with what is being done.
This situation is compounded by a combination of over-use and abandonment of those same values and icons by the “secular” forces. For long, secular politics has resorted to these values and icons without bothering to infuse among the masses their implicit message and meaning. They have also taken recourse to the selective or symbolic use of these ideological and intellectual resources. Thus, Ambedkar or Gandhi are conveniently used for limited purposes, leaving the public exposed to distortion, fraud and rank falsehood in the name of the Constitution, Ambedkar or Gandhi. No wonder, the larger public, which was mostly unconcerned about the CAB during the Lok Sabha election (Lokniti’s pre-election survey showed that over three-fourths of the respondents did not know about the CAB), is now willing to be convinced that the bill is fair and does not violate the Constitution nor deviates from the ideas of Gandhi and Ambedkar. Such a complete rigging of public discourse has probably never happened in our democratic history so far....

Mukul Kesavan: An evil hour

Why should Indian Muslims, who are already citizens, be hostile to a law that makes it easier for religious minorities from ideologically Muslim states to find refuge in Indian citizenship? For the obvious reason that the underlying purpose of the CAA is to reassure non-Muslims that the all-India National Register of Indian Citizens proposed by the home minister will only affect Muslims.
The Bharatiya Janata Party’s problem with the working of the NRC in Assam was that the process excluded too many Hindus. The CAA is the BJP’s solution to this problem. If the all-India NRIC comes to pass, every Indian will have to produce documentary proof of citizenship but non-Muslims will have a get-out-of-jail card: they will be able to invoke the CAA and claim that they are refugees from hostile Muslim countries. Undocumented Muslims, on the other hand, will be excluded from citizenship.

Assam’s experience with the NRC shows us how difficult it is for people, especially the poor, to furnish acceptable proofs of birth and residence and how disruptive, traumatic and threatening the process of verification is. Before unleashing it on the whole nation, the BJP needed a way of indemnifying non-Muslims (read Hindus) against the existential threat of disenfranchisement, internment and deportation, and this the CAA has supplied. The CAA is designed to reassure non-Muslims while insidiously suggesting that Muslims who can’t produce NRIC-mandated proofs of citizenship are ‘infiltrators’ and ‘termites’. The home minister tours the country connecting the dots, reassuring non-Muslims that they have nothing to fear while simultaneously promising to expel every last ghuspaithiya (by definition a Muslim thanks to the CAA) from the country inside five years…..

In an opinion piece on the CAA, Suhas Palshikar, the distinguished political scientist, argues that protests by intellectuals and activists against the law lack ‘traction’ because of the lack of mass participation. He notes that the larger public seems persuaded that the amendment is both fair and constitutional. According to him, the problem with liberals is that they expected abstract ideas to win political victories whereas the truth was that in real life “[d]emocratic struggles for high principles do not happen in a vacuum.” The only way that liberals can prevail against the BJP’s clear-headed majoritarianism is if their “... principles [were] married to lived realities and actual group anxieties.”...

see also

Over 1000 Scientists, Academics Demand Withdrawal of Citizenship Bill //Bharat Bhushan: Citizenship Amendment Bill is a bid to fashion an ethnic democracy

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