Star student on a mission to clean up the world's water

Deepika Kurup understood that not having access to clean water meant not having clean clothes or food. She learned that for girls, it also restricts access to education, because they cannot attend school when they have their period. 

"So water also affects women's health and ... how women can contribute to the economy, because instead of spending time with their family and instead of spending time working and raising money, women have to walk hours on end every day to go collect water," she says. "That definitely is not something that I used to see in the United States and so I wanted to do something to change that.

"Just realizing how much of an impact water has on the everyday lives of millions of people around the world is ... what drew me to this problem." This alone won't solve the crisis. In response, Kurup created an affordable and effective water purification system -- a cement-like composite material that is activated by sunlight to dramatically reduce the number of bacteria in water....

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