Barbara Ellen - Donald Trump's cartoon machismo

Oh dear. Was President Trump’s tweet of his head digitally added on to the body of Rocky Balboa/Sylvester Stallone rather too psychologically revealing? The image seemed to say everything you needed to know about Trump’s delusional self-image. 
Detail of image posted by @realDonaldTrump, showing the president's head on a muscled torso
Eric Baradat/@realDonaldTrump/AFP via Getty Images

Well, I say “needed”. How much does anyone need to know about any man – world leader or regular Joe – who mistakes male heft and musculature for true power? Before we begin, a minor quibble: the tan of Rocky’s body isn’t an exact match for Trump’s face. The former says “Italian-American”; the latter whispers: “Overzealously applied mortuary makeup that does little to dispel the question marks over Trump’s health sparked by his recent unscheduled ‘medical check’.” 

But I digress – it’s the internal monologue that counts. The Trump/Rocky hybrid is saying: “Behold my might! This is the real Trump – not that old guy, so flaccid and orange he’s starting to resemble a morally corrupted Winnie the Pooh. NO, A THOUSAND TIMES NO! This toned boxing-gloved Adonis is the true Trump: buff, invincible and intriguingly homoerotic.” What is there to make of any man who makes a bulked-up, ultra-masculine body image his top priority?

Of course, this Superman/Superego routine has been done before, and better. Who could forget Vladimir Putin’s winsome topless bareback-riding modelling stints – a worthy Mr January of any fun presidential charity calendar. (And, as Vlad might snipe, no Photoshop – showing only what his momma gave him.) Then of course there’s our own Boris Johnson, who tried – and failed – to get the Hulk power-image going (thankfully, no visuals provided from Tory HQ). What is one to make of such transparent displays of cartoon machismo? Away from world leaders, what is there to make of any man who makes a bulked-up, ultramasculine body image his top priority?...

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