People’s Tribunal on Contested Citizenship in Assam – Constitutional processes and the human cost

Dear All,
Various human rights organisations and campaigns are holding an important People’s Tribunal on Contested Citizenship in Assam – Constitutional processes and the human cost, on September 7 & 8,at the Indian Society of International Law, Bhagwan Das Road, Delhi. 

The confirmed jury members are, Justice Kurian Joseph, Justice AP Shah, Justice Madan Lokur, Ambassador Deb Mukharji, Prof Faizan Mustafa, Dr. Syeda Hameed, Prof Monirul Hussain and Ms Githa Hariharan.

We would be grateful if you could kindly attend this important tribunal.

With warm regards,
Prashant Bhushan and Harsh Mander, on behalf of all the partnering organisations

Aman Biradari - Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms – Aman Biradari – Common Cause – National Dalit Movement for Justice - Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan – National Alliance of People’s Movements – Satark Nagrik Sangathan – Citizens for Peace and Justice - Delhi Forum – Swaraj Abhiyaan – Citizens Against Hate – Human Rights Law Network


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