A message from Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

We have come across a scurrilous and mischievous publication Koun Hai Urban Naxal? published by a Rajasthani affiliate of the RSS, called the Vishvanath SAMVAD Kendra , Jaipur , and circulated in the State by the RSS This booklet not only targets particular activists including us (Nikhil and me) as "urban naxals", but deliberately seeks to discredit those working on welfare, and the philosophy and spirit of the rights-based laws themselves. It has sweeping derogatory references to activists, journalists , educationists, and a whole gamut of people who have contributed to and continue to raise their voice for justice. 

In defining “urban naxals” it has included specific references to the RTI and the process and methodology of social audit as being the mode and platform.  In attacking the RTI - a law passed by parliament and an accepted practice to protect ethics in a democracy all over the world - the booklet  has sought to include within its warped definition of nationalism and anti- nationals, anything and anyone who might create platforms for questioning authority, arbitrariness and corruption.

We don’t need to explain the background to this renewed attack on democratic freedoms and rights. There has been a consistent attempt to weaken the rights based legislations, as the BJP governments have not been able to get rid of these rights based laws. They remain a thorn in the attempts of the present establishment to stifle people’s voices and their rights.  In the notorious language of double speak, the ruling establishment has used these laws, speaking one language from Delhi, contradicted by negative propaganda at the grass roots against those who fought for and shaped these laws and now use them.

We have known about this publication for about a month. What prompts us to write this e-mail, is the urgent need to renew the campaign for all rights based laws. Public memory is very short and the generation that fought for these rights is now middle aged and older! We have realized and understood, that in facing an adversary who are masters at propaganda and the erasing and rewriting of history; the learning, discussing, and understanding of even contemporary history must to be continuous. It should cater to an ever changing and constantly newer set of young people. Surrounded as they are with propaganda masquerading as social media “news” channels, we have to make sure that young adults understand how much RTI , public monitoring and the rights based laws contribute to their well being. 

This booklet which is deliberately inaccurate and incorrect in most part, uses the typical language and mix of fact with slanderous images and labels created to misinform people. We have to therefore, once again address the continuing and continual need for political education. We feel that one of the best responses , is to write and campaign,  to promote constitutional rights, in a renewed campaign across Rajasthan and India.

The MKSS is planning to disseminate the history of the RTI, social audits and the rights-based laws through a sustained online and offline campaign. We are hoping to write in many languages in order to introduce new people and newer generations to the thoughts and ideas that led to these mass struggles. In this effort we need your support. Please write and publish through the print media , talk about and discuss these ideas, to share your own stories, wherever you are, in English , Hindi and other Indian languages. 

The  RTI, NREGA, RTF, FRA & Tribal Groups, RTE, Right to Health, dalit rights, farmers and other networks , women's organisations  and minority rights,  together  represent the pluralistic majority of the Indian people. We can come together to effectively, once again, take on and challenge this so called majoritarian and fascist take over of public narratives.

We hope that by sharing more and better information we can ensure that the distortion of history and the persecution of people’s right to speak will be understood and exposed, and democratic rights can be better protected.. 

In solidarity,

Aruna, Nikhil, Shankar, Lal Singh, Naurti Bai, Narayan, Baluji, Meera & MKSS sathies

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