Michael Payne - A Dark, Very Troubling Period in America’s History

We are certainly living in the midst of a dark and very troubling period in American history. This is a nation that is not advancing, it is regressing; it is no longer growing, it is in a state of decline. America possesses monumental wealth but is not using that wealth in positive and constructive ways to address and solve the many ongoing critical problems that plague this nation. 

Where is the evidence that supports this premise? It’s everywhere; just look at the deteriorating conditions in this country, the absence of a functioning government and the mounting extreme violence in this society. When America needs leadership and direction there is none to be found. There are no signs or indications that this government is ready to reassume the responsibilities of governing this country in a competent manner and doing what is in the best interests of the American people. 

Republicans block, obstruct and filibuster. Democrats vacillate, cave in and refuse to change the filibuster rules. We have a president who won’t prosecute the Wall Street criminals but goes after whistleblowers instead; a president who has done more to restrict the constitutional rights and freedoms of the American people than any other in our history. Don’t believe it; then do some research and find out for yourself.

The financial sector is on the road to collapse, full of deceit, manipulation and drowning in a sea of trillions of dollars of toxic derivatives. The banking industry, a chief subsidiary of Corporate America, has become an albatross around the neck of America. Because of its reckless actions, schemes and deceitful practices used to subvert laws and regulations it represents a distinct danger to this nation’s financial stability.

The American people are now fully aware that those political incompetents that inhabit the U.S. Congress, that institution that I have referred to as a massive cesspool, simply don’t give a damn about them, their needs or their many problems. They also are very frustrated by the fact that no matter whom they vote for, it makes no difference whatsoever. 

Of the 100 senators and the 435 members of the House those who could be called honest, dedicated, and uncorrupted representatives of the people could be counted on the fingers of your two hands. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and a handful of others fit that description and they are in a class by themselves. The rest are, in one way or another, under the control and in the employ of Corporate America.

Government has many roles that it should play in this country and one of them, although some would disagree, is to set a standard of honesty, decency and morality for the people it represents. It, in its dealings and actions, should be a role model for the American people. Unfortunately it is none of those things and, as a result, it has brought significant damage upon this country.

The White House: it no longer matters who enters the Oval Office because an incoming president immediately comes under the control of the Washington Establishment... 

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