Loren Goldner: Break Their Haughty Power

'Break Their Haughty Power' is a phrase from "Solidarity Forever", written by Ralph Chaplin in 1915, for the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidarity_Forever>

Ontological "Difference" and the Neo-Liberal War on the Social: Deconstruction and Deindustrialization 'It was 1971. We were in our early 20's and we were mad. After the seeming prelude to apocalypse we had just lived through, who,  at the time, would have believed that we were at the beginning of three decades (and counting) in which, in the U.S. at least,  mass movements would all but disappear from the streets? Even today, the evanescence of the world-wide mood of "1968" seems slightly incredible. The funk of 1971  turned Wordsworth on his head: "Terrible in that sunset to be alive, but to be young was hell itself". The "sixties", in their positive impulse, were over. In the U.S., the mass movement in the streets of 1965 to 1969 was quickly turning comatose...'

The following texts were written between 1973 and the present. 
Source: http://home.earthlink.net/~lrgoldner/
Some of them, beginning in the late 1980s, were published in US journals such as Against the CurrentNew PoliticsCritiqueCollective Action Notes and Race Traitor; some have appeared in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Swedish, Polish, Lithuanian, Czech, Romanian,  Russian, Greek and Turkish translations. Others are appearing in the Marx / Third Millennium series of Queequeg Publications. The majority, however, were consigned by circumstance to what Marx called "the gnawing critique of the mice." As such, they circulated only in xerox format to very limited circles of readers. I am posting them today, not because they necessarily possess any overarching coherence or because the evolution of one individual is of any particular importance. Rather, since different readers over the years have found different texts to be useful, I am using the new possibilities opened by the web to make them more generally available than they have been in my file cabinets. Critique and comment are invited. 

The Break Their Haughty Power website is affiliated with Queequeg Publications, which can be contacted at the e-mail address below. Queequeg Publications has made available in book format some of the following texts. They include:

Loren Goldner: Ubu Saved From Drowning: Class Struggle and Statist Containment in Portugal and Spain, 1974-1977 (2000). ISBN 0-970-03080-0. 113 pp. Order directly from Amazon: click here 
Loren Goldner: Vanguard of Retrogression: "Postmodern" Fictions as Ideology in the Era of Fictitious Capital (2001). ISBN 0-9700308-1-9. 131 pp. Order directly from Amazon: click here 
Loren Goldner. Herman Melville: Between Charlemagne and the Antemosaic Cosmic Man. Race, Class and the Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology in an American Renaissance Writer.
(2006). ISBN 0-9700-308-2-7. 291 p. Order directly from Amazon: click here.

Libri e saggi di Loren Goldner in italiano: Capitale fittizio e crisi del capitalismo, L'Avanguardia della regressione, Il "socialismo in un solo paese" prima di Stalin e le origini dell'"anti-imperialismo" reazionario. Il caso della Turchia (1917-1925), L'immensa sorpresa di ottobre: Un collasso de mondo capitalista alle Edizioni PonSin Mor
Livre de Loren Goldner en francais: Nous vivrons la revolution. Revolution in our lifetime. (tome 1). Editions Ni patrie ni frontieres

Loren Goldner

Links to Other Sites

What's New - December 2012 -

French, Italian and Chinese translations of a new next on fictitious capital and non-reproduction. (English will appear in early 2013).
Also: Notes Toward a Critique of Maoism, and a review of John Marot's important new book.

Le Capital Fictif et La Reproduction Sociale Contractée Aujourd'hui; La Chine et la Révolution Permanente (2012)
Il Capitale Fittizio e la Riproduzione Sociale Contratta Oggi; La Cina et la Rivoluzione Permanente (2012) 
Chinese translation:  当今的虚构资本、缩小的社会再生产、与中国  

Review of John Marot's The October Revolution in Prospect and Retrospect (2012)

Globalization of Capital, Globalization of Struggle (2012)
Italian Translation: Globalizazzione del Capitale, Globalizazzione delle Lotte

The Sky Is Always Darkest Just Befor the Dawn: Class Struggle in the U.S. From the 2008 Crash to the Eve of Occupy (2011)
Korean Translation: 2008년 이후 미국에서의 계급투쟁
French Translation: La lutte de classes aux Etats-Unis depuis le krach de 2008 jusqu'a la veille d'Occupy Wall Street
Portuguese Translation: A luta de classes nos EUA desde a crise financeira de 2008 
Italian Translation: La lotta di classe negli Stati Uniti dal Crollo del 2008
German Translation: Klassenkampf in den USA seit dem Crash von 2008
Czech Translation:  Současný třídní boj v USA

Theses for Discussion
Korean Translation: Toron-ul wihan Tejedul
Anti-Capitalism or Anti-Imperialism?
Interwar Authoritarian and Fascist Sources of A Reactionary Ideology:
The Case of the Bolivian MNR
Spanish Translation: Anti-capitalismo o anti-imperialismo?

From Cairo to Madison, The Old Mole Comes Up For An Early Spring (2011)
Korean Translation: 카이로에서 매디슨까지 : 늙은 두더지가 초봄에 고개를 내밀다

Brief Report from a Brief Visit to Madison (2011)
French Translation: Une Visite a Madison 
The Demise of Andy Stern and the Question of Unions in Contemporary Capitalism (2010)
Korean Translation: 앤 디스턴의 종말과 현 자본주의 사회의 노동조합 문제

The Historical Moment That Produced Us (2010)
German Translation: Der historische Moment, der uns hervorgebracht hat
Korean Translation: ᅮ리를 만들어낸 역사적 수

VIDEO: Oakland, CA: Writer and activist Loren Goldner contextualizes the current economic crisis and class struggles in a theory of capitalist development (September 2010)
Global Leveraged Buyout or the "Longest Boom in Capitalist History"? A Reply to Robert Fitch (2009)
"Socialism in One Country" Before Stalin, and the Origins of Reactionary "Anti-Imperialism": The Case of Turkey, 1917-1925 (2009)
Italian translation: Il "socialismo in un solo paese" prima di Stalin et le origini dell "anti-imperialismo" reazionario: il caso della Turquia 1917-1925: Il caso della Turchia 1917-1925 

General Perspectives on the Capitalist Development State and Class Struggle in East Asia (2009)
Great Game II:  From Tallinn to Seoul and Tokyo, by Way of Kiev, the Declining American Superpower Lashes Out on the Borders of Russia and China (2008)
Spanish Translation: Gran Juego II: desde Tallin a Seúl y Tokio, pasando por Kiev, la decadente potencia estadounidense responde en las fronteras de Rusia y China


Social Reproduction for Beginners: Bringing Reality Back In (2008)
Italian Translation: La riproduzione sociale per i principianti: riportandoci al mondo reale

Video of a talk on fictitious capital given January 22, 2008, at The Whitechapel Centre, in London. Talk hosted by Mute (2008).
Audio of an interview on fictitious capital, on "Guns and Butter" with Bonnie Faulkner, on KPFA, April 4th, 2007 (2007).
The Biggest 'October Surprise' Of All: A World Capitalist Collapse (2008)
Italian Translation: L'immensa "sorpresa d'ottobre" un tonfo del mondo capitalista
Polish Translation: Zmierzch systemu. Światowy krach kapitalistyczny
Rumanian Translation: Cea mai mare „surprizæ din octombrie“: o præbuøire în capitalismul mondial 
Chinese Translation: 2008 年金融海啸、全球资本主义70年代以来的慢性危机、及如何走出现状的思考

The Situation of Left Communism Today: An Interview with the Korean SaNoShin Group (2008)
Korean Translation: 좌 익공산주 의의 현황 : 로렌 골드너와의 대담

The Korean Working Class: From Mass Strike to Casualization and Retreat, 1987-2008 (2008)
French Translation: La classe ouvrière coréenne : de la grève de masse à la précarisation et au reflux, 1987-2007
Czech Translation: Dělnická třída v Koreji: od masové stávky k prekarizaci[1] a ústupu (1987–2007)
Italian Translation: La classe lavoratrice coreana: dagli scioperi di massa alla precarizzazione ed alla sconfitta, 1987-2007

Fictitious Capital for Beginners: Imperialism, "Anti-Imperialism," and the Continuing Relevance of Rosa Luxemburg (2007)
French Translation: Le Capital Fictif pour les Debutants: Imperialisme, "Anti-Imperialisme" et Pertinence Actuelle de Rosa Luxembourg
Greek Translation: Το Πλασματικό Κεφάλαιο για Αρχάριους1 Ιμπεριαλισμός, “Αντιιμπεριαλισμός”, και η διαρκής
επικαιρότητα της Ρόζας Λούξεμπουργκ 

Italian Translation: Il capitale fittizion per principiani. Imperialismo, “antimperialismo” e attualita permanente di Rosa Luxemburg

Left Communism and Trotskyism: A Roundtable (2007)
Communisme de Gauche et Trotskysme: Un Colloque (2007)

Max Eastman : One American Radical’s View of the "Bolshevization" of the American Revolutionary Movement  and a Forgotten, and Unforgettable, Portrait of Trotsky (2006)
Italian Translation: Max Eastman: un punto di vista radical riguardo alla "bolschevizzazione" del movimento rivoluzionario americano e un ritratto, dimenticato e indimenticabile, di Trotsky

1973 Redux?: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Decline of Dollar-Centered World Accumulation (2006)
Italian Translation: Ritorno al 1973?: continuita e discontinuita nel declino dell'accumulazione mondiale fondata sul dollaro
French Translation: Continuité et Discontinuité dans le Déclin de l'Accumulation Mondiale Centrée sur le Dollar
German Translation:  
Kontinuitäten und Brüche im Niedergang der Dollar-zentrierten Weltakkumulation

See morehttp://home.earthlink.net/~lrgoldner/

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