5,000 years old ! The bristlecone pines are the oldest living organisms in the world

Great Basin bristlecone pines are restricted to the mountain ranges of California, Nevada and Utah and have a remarkable ability to survive in this extremely harsh and challenging environment. They grow extremely slowly, and at 5,000 years are some of the oldest living organisms in the world...these amazing trees can reveal information about Earth's climate variations. Amazingly, the leaves, or needles, can remain green for over 45 years. 

Great Basin bristlecone pines are restricted to the mountain ranges of California, Nevada and Utah and have a remarkable ability to survive in this extremely harsh and challenging environment. They grow extremely slowly, and with can reveal information about Earth's climate variations. Amazingly, the leaves, or needles, can remain green for over 45 years. 
A bristlecone pine branch


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