Lyn Alden: The credit-based global financial system we have participated in over the past century has to continually grow or die
Base money is a liability of the central bank, and it’s used as a reserve asset by commercial banks. Broad money is the liability of commercial banks, and it’s used as a savings asset by the public. Treasuries are liabilities of the federal government, and they’re used as collateral by the central bank and commercial banks. In other words, liabilities are collateralized by other liabilities, all the way down....
Can Capitalism and Democracy Coexist?
Lepore: Is society coming apart?
WHITNEY WEBB: Wall Street now monetizes nature
Sam Kriss: 'Neoliberalism' isn't a left-wing insult but a
monstrous system of inequality
of the Spectacle / 'इमेज'
- 'Image': A Poem on Deaths in the Age of Covid
Ravi Bhoothalingam: Coronavirus and the
Mandate of Heaven
George Lakey on
Capitalism, public health and the Nordic model
Kipling: critical essay by George Orwell (1942)
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a
boot stamping on a human face, forever" - George Orwell’s Final Warning
Orwell: Literature and Totalitarianism (1941)