Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy support free speech; condemn hate speech, death threats / Media coverage of IMSD Statement

NB: To this timely statement I will add just one observation directed at all those groups and individuals who seem to derive their meaning of life via abuse, hatred, machismo and what in north India we call rangdaari. I have commented on this useless controversy here - read it if you can still engage in rational conversation.

Can all spokespersons of the ruling party and its allies - not to mention other devotees of the Almighty - please try and get pleasure out of the small things in life? Eat some mangoes, or ice cream. Enjoy the company of friends and loved ones, unless they too have gone over the cliff-edge of communal lunacy. Ladies and gentlemen, you are a pathetic disgrace. If this is your religion, your patriotism, your nationalism, all I can say is God help us. Put a lid on it. DS

IMSD support free speech; condemn hate speech, death threats

Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy (IMSD) deplores the divisive and hate-driven politics behind the statements made by the now-suspended spokesperson of the BJP, Nupur Sharma, but it unequivocally condemns the threats to her life. IMSD also strongly condemns Al Qaeda for threatening retaliatory terror acts.

IMSD believes that democracy is inconceivable without the freedom of speech, a freedom that is enshrined in the Indian Constitution. All healthy democracies however make a clear and principled distinction between the right to free speech and a bar on hate speech that impinges on the right to life and dignity of the marginalised.

The right to free speech includes the right to critical, rational enquiry and healthy criticism of all forms of religious beliefs and practices. In a democratic state, there should be no place for any law on blasphemy as it has a chilling effect on free speech. We thus categorically oppose the demand by certain Muslim/ Islamist/ Hindu/ Hindutva organizations for a blasphemy law in India.

The right to criticism includes the right to offend, as also the right of those offended to protest in peaceful and lawful ways. But the offended have no right to silence the offender: no god, gods, goddesses, prophets or saints may be invoked to justify the killing of fellow humans. We once again reiterate that any threat made to the life and liberty of Nupur Sharma is highly condemnable. 

While fully supporting freedom of expression, IMSD believes that in highly polarised and communally charged societies such as India today is, hate speech must not be confused with free speech. At a Dharam Sansad last December Hindu religious leaders openly called for the genocide of Indian Muslims. International organisations including Genocide Watch have warned that India is on the brink of a genocidal bloodbath. But India’s Prime Minister continues to remain silent on the subject.

The recent United States Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) 2022 annual report on India is a case in point. It says: “Religious freedom conditions in India are taking a drastic turn downward, with national and various state governments tolerating widespread harassment and violence against religious minorities.”

Although Muslim persecution has a long history in this country, the past eight years have been relentless with everyday threats of targeted violence, fear and intimidation, which has seen members of their community lynched in public and these killings celebrated, been repeatedly taunted, humiliated, hurt, incarcerated on bogus charges, lynched under the watch of the RSS-blessed, BJP-led governments at the Centre and in several states. 

Hindutva’s Hate Factory is working 24/7 to demonise Indian Muslims, vilify them and a complicit electronic media offers a ready platform for daily mud-slinging, verbal warfare under the pretence of debate. IMSD would also like to call out the so-called Islamic scholars who are bringing a disrepute and playing with the safety and security of Muslims by participating in such prefixed TV debates.

The over dozen governments from Muslim-majority countries which have now expressed outrage over the insult to the Prophet have been conspicuous by their total silence in the last eight years, and earlier, despite repeated attacks on Indian Muslims, including the recent call for genocide. IMSD is not the least surprised because these very governments have no respect for human rights and freedom of expression.

We demand that these governments mend their ways, promote fundamental rights and freedoms of all citizens, in their own countries and across the globe. It is rather rich for these despotic regimes to teach us lessons in secularism and pluralism. But what can one say when our own government has created this unfortunate situation? Clearly the Modi government's hardline Hindutva brand of politics has undermined India's international standing and respect among the comity of nations.

We appeal to all sections to maintain peace and religious harmony. We appeal to Muslims in particular, not to get swayed by the rhetoric of Islam in danger. The ongoing protests have already consumed precious lives and going by the past actions of the government, it will deplorably be followed by mass arrests and demolitions. Those who are howling from the pulpit will escape and burden of proof, as always, will be on the shoulders of the poor Muslims.

Let us resolve not to listen to anyone who is stoking our fear and insecurity. The Constitution is enough to reclaim our rightful place in the republic.

Javed Anand

Convener, Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy (IMSD)
Trustee, Citizens for Justice and Peace

Co-editor, Sabrang India Online -


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Media coverage of IMSD Statement

IMSD condemns hate-driven politics, opposes calls for blasphemy law

Indian Muslims group supports free speech; condemns hate speech, death threats

Mumbai Muslim leaders, intellectuals slam ‘hate speech, death threats’ (IANS)

Muslim body condemns threats to suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma

‘Nupur Sharma’s remarks are also wrong and threats to her’, more than 100 personalities condemned ‘Bulldozer Raj’

IMSD supports free speech; condemns hate speech, death threats

IMSD condemns hate-driven politics, opposes calls for blasphemy law

Prophet remark row: Muslim body condemns threats to suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma

IMSD condemns hate-driven politics, opposes calls for blasphemy law

IMSD condemns threats to Nupur Sharma, says about ‘bulldozer raj’…

IMSD Co-Convener Slams Gulf Nations For 'Hypocrisy' Amid Protests Against Nupur Sharma's Prophet Remark\

Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy condemned threats received by Nupur Sharma bulldozer raj- IMSD condemns Nupur Sharma’s threats, said about ‘bulldozer raj’…

 नूपुर शर्मा की टिप्पणी भी गलत और उन्हें मिलने वाली धमकियां भी’, 100 से ज्यादा शख्सियतों ने कीबुलडोजर राजकी निंदा

आईएमएसडी ने नुपुर शर्मा की टिप्पणी और उन्हें मिल रही धमकियों की निंदा की

इंडियन मुस्लिम्स फॉर सेकुलर डेमोक्रेसी ने की नूपुर शर्मा को मिल रही धमकियों की निंदा, जानें क्या कुछ कहा?

IMSD News : अख्तर, शाह, आजमी सहित 100 शख्सियतों ने की 'Bulldozer Raj की निंदा, नुपुर से जताई नाराजगी



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