JOHN BUELL: Living on a Newly Unrecognizable Planet
Germany is a wealthy nation. Its business and political leaders accept the reality of climate change and have made at least modest progress to prepare for and mitigate its effects. How then to respond to such events as a family moving to the roof of their house to escape the flood—only to have a surge of water so vast as to sweep them off the roof to their demise? Such pictures are terrifying, but of more long term importance is the questions raised by such mega storms. These ae not just big storms following relatively ordinary albeit destructive paths.
In an effort to gain some perspective on these disturbing events I have drawn on recent work by two influential contemporary theorists, William Connolly and the late French philosopher Michel Serres. I have attached my own comments in brackets. My hope is that this will contribute to dialogue and action on a vital subject….
Harman - Between Truth and Power: Bruno Latour’s Political Philosophy
LATOUR - The Enlightenment Without the Critique: A Word on Michel Serres'
Philosopher Bruno Latour on Challenges of Identity Politics in India