Bharat Bhushan - Rafale deal: Could French investigations turn up a Bofors?

A judicial probe has been ordered in France into the corruption surrounding the Rafale fighter jet deal with India. In India, the Supreme Court and the Comptroller and Auditor General have already given a clean chit to the Narendra Modi government in the deal. The Parquet National Financier (PNF) responsible for tracking down complex economic and financial crimes in France has referred the case to a Judge Investigator (juge d’instruction). The French Judge Investigator has sweeping powers to summon witnesses, seize evidence, freeze assets and even order wiretaps. If a money trail is established, the political fallout could be far-reaching….

YANN PHILIPPIN - Sale of French Rafale jet fighters to India: how a state scandal was buried

Anne Michel and Simon Piel - Rafale case: Fresh moves towards a corruption investigation

Bharat Bhushan - Scania Scandal: Need to step up to the challenge

Cutlet for Cutlet

Rafale Papers: France opens judicial probe into fighter deal with India, new revelations emerge // Opposition Parties Say it's Time for Investigation in India Too

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