Stop Oil & Gas Exploration In and Around Andaman & Nicobar Islands - Save Water, Save Fish, Save Fisher People

The National Platform for Small Scale Fish Workers (NPSSFW) and the fishing communities of Andaman & Nicobar Islands (ANI) have been shocked to know from a Press Release of the Andaman & Nicobar Administration that the Government of India has reduced ‘No Go Zone’ in the EEZ around Andaman & Nicobar to facilitate Oil and Gas Exploration in the area and has provided in principle approval for grant of Petroleum Exploration License to M/s. Oil India Limited in 2 Blocks in Andaman Basin.

There are 97 fisher people villages with a total population of 15,320 in the ANI. The proposed oil exploration will block the access of fishers to fishing areas. The disturbance, turbidity and pollution caused by drilling will massively reduce the fish stock and devastate the livelihood of more than 15 thousand fishers. With an annual harvestable potential of 1,48,000 tonnes the ANI marine fisheries provide us with a huge renewable asset that provides employment to more than 10,000 fishers with more or less equitable distribution of income.

The environmental and social cost of hydrocarbon exploration in ANI is going to far outweigh its benefits. It is also a matter of deep regret that the Government is taking decisions on areas and resources used by huge numbers of traditional primary stakeholders without even consulting them, let alone taking their informed consent. This is against the principle of public trust doctrine which is part of the law of the country. 

In view of the above NPSSFW(I) demands:

Cancellation of the in principle approval provided for granting of Petroleum Exploration License to M/s. Oil India Limited in 2 Blocks in Andaman Basin.

The Ministry of Oil and Natural Gas to start consultations with the fishing communities of ANI and seek their informed consent before venturing on any oil exploration activity

NPSSFW(I) has moved the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India in the matter under intimation to the Hon'ble Minister in charge of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Chief Secretary A&N Islands and Director of Fisheries A&N. (copy of letter attached).

Swastick Aquaculture Cooperative Society Ltd. of Andaman & Nicobar Islands has also written to the Hon'ble Prime  Minister of India in the matter (copy of letter attached).

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