May the horror and shame unite us. A statement by the editors of the Russian journal ‘New Literary Observer’

NB: Let us salute Russia's war resisters, who continue a glorious humanist tradition of international peace and solidarity. Let us never forget that the Russian Revolution that began on International Women's Day in 1917 was a mass anti-war protest of workers and soldiers, which hastened the end of the bloodletting of the Great War of 1914-1918. We need international solidarity, not national hatred. My fervent thanks to the editors of the Russian journal ‘New Literary Observer’. DS

In the face of immense tragedy, our thoughts are with all those suffering as a result of this war and this madness. We think of people from Ukraine, Russia and elsewhere, shocked and traumatized by what is happening – as we are ourselves. May the horror, pain and shame we feel help to unite us, and not cause further division. In moments of intense apprehension and fear, we may well be disinclined to read books, but it is vital actively to maintain channels of mutual support through social and professional networking.

The New Literary Observer (Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie) has been operating as a publishing house, and as a journal, since it was launched in 1992. These have been difficult years for Russia. The country has experienced numerous social and political upheavals and, as a publisher, we have made every effort to reflect on the processes we have witnessed. The issues posed by post-Soviet cultural and historical anthropology, and post-Soviet identity, remain acute: the values by which people brought up in post-Soviet states live today, their standards, points of reference, motivations and ways of interacting with the external environment are more starkly defined than ever.

What does it mean to be part of a closed community which has inherited the totalitarian predispositions of the past? Can the resulting closed borders be crossed? Is it possible to step out of the confines of a given identity that offers no apparent alternative? Can Russia prevail over its past, as other countries which have experienced totalitarian regimes have succeeded in doing?

Over the last 30 years we have sought to respond to questions such as these, and we continue to do so now. The current situation presents us with new challenges. Should we go on fighting for a different identity for Russia, and how? Can we devise a language for public discourse on crimes committed by the state? What alternatives for the development of our future as a nation-state can we suggest at this time? As we explore cultural history, memory politics, the micro-histories of everyday life, and post-Soviet anthropology, we will keep addressing all these questions together with some of the finest authors writing in and outside Russia.

The New Literary Observer is continuing its work and preparing new issues of the journal, as well as new books, for publication. We say ‘no’ to war!

JUAN COLE: The US would be on firmer ground declaring Putin a War Criminal if George W. Bush had been Tried / Aditya Chakrabortty: Western values? They enthroned the monster who is shelling Ukrainians today

Rohini Hensman: The Historical Background to Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine / Chris Hedges: The Greatest Evil Is War

The Bolshevik Heritage. By Dilip Simeon

10 Theses on the Proliferation of Egocrats (1977)

Ukraine: India refuses to take a clear position on the Russian invasion

Jonathan Steele: Understanding Putin’s narrative about Ukraine is the master key to this crisis / Oliver Stone: American Exceptionalism Is on Display in Ukraine / Mariia Shynkarenko: Not about NATO

Kelly Denton-Borhaug: The True Costs of America’s All-Consuming War-Culture / Chris Hedges: Chronicle of a War Foretold

Tory lobbying row over unregulated ‘Westminster Russia Forum’ / Donald Trump can't stop praising Vladimir Putin

Ukraine: Women giving birth in basements and bunkers / Russian bombing of maternity hospital ‘genocide’

ALFRED MCCOY - The Geopolitics of the Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping in the Struggle over Eurasia

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Historian of Decline and Prophet of Revival by Madhavan Palat

Book review: Midnight in the Century by Victor Serge – life in the Stalinist Soviet Union // Memoirs of a Revolutionary by Victor Serge – review

Jairus Banaji - Revolution Destroyed

Love and Anarchy: Emma Goldman's passion for free expression

Book Review: Victor Serge; Memoirs of a Revolutionary

State memory: 1917 and Russian memory politics. By MANFRED SAPPER and VOLKER WEICHSEL

The legacies of 1917 Orlando Figes & Daniel Gascon

Book Review: Inside the Stalin Archives, by Johnathan Brent (2009) // Books from "Annals of Communism Series", Yale University Press

Review essay - What’s Left? Sheila Fitzpatrick reviews 5 new books on the Russian Revolution

Book review: - The Conscience of a Revolutionary

Alec Luhn - Gulag grave hunter unearths uncomfortable truths in Russia

100 years of the outbreak of the Russian Revolution March 8 (February 23), International Women's Day

The Red Army, indisputable Vanquisher of Nazi Germany // Berlin battleground - 70 years later. Photos from then and now

Julien Benda: Our age is the age of the intellectual organization of political hatreds

Beginnings and Endings

José Vergara’s “All Future Plunges to the Past: James Joyce in Russian Literature”

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