Asim Ali - Collective surrender The story of New India is not being written by Narendra Modi alone

Historians of Nazi Germany have always been troubled with one central question: how could one of the most advanced, sophisticated countries of Europe descend into the depths of barbarism in such a short span of time, culminating in the murder of millions of people? Some historians, called the intentionalists,  emphasized the importance of Hitler’s master plan as outlined in Mein Kampf, while other historians, called the functionalists, minimized the importance of Hitler and focused on the Nazi party machinery.

The British historian, Sir Ian Kershaw, one of the most influential historians of Nazi Germany, synthesized these two approaches in his theory of “cumulative radicalisation” to explain the horrors of Nazi Germany. The radical and inhumane atrocities committed by Nazi Germany, according to Kershaw, were not dependent on the directions of Hitler, but grew out of the initiative of party bosses, bureaucrats and professionals who drew on his charismatic authority. “...Hitler’s authority gave implicit backing and sanction to those whose actions, however inhumane, however radical, fell within the general and vague ideological remit of furthering the aims of the Fuhrer,” wrote Kershaw….

Naxalites should lay down their arms and challenge the ruling class to abide by the Constitution

Some information for Israelis (and the rest of us)

Bharat Bhushan: It suits the RSS to allow BJP to encourage defections from other parties

Swati Chaturvedi: It Was BJP Who Made It Mamata vs Modi. Too Far

Anand K. Sahay: The idea behind capturing power in any kind of way: fair or foul

Socrates: If the whole is ailing the part cannot be well / Ajit Prakash Shah: Darkness at noon, felled by the judiciary

Prem Shankar Jha: The Shadow of Haren Pandya’s Case Lies Long Over Justice Arun Mishra

Nikhila Henry - Ex CJI Gogoi's RS Nomination Calls All His Judgments Into Question, Says Legal Expert

Ajaz Ashraf - A police officer's account of being harassed for stopping a riot in Rajasthan

Bharat Bhushan: No one critical of the government seems to be innocent any longer / Delhi Police arrests 22-year-old environmental activist, calls her key to foreign hand

Ramachandra Guha: Supreme Court must reflect on its calling as defined by the Constitution - and the direction it is taking

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

Society of the Spectacle / 'इमेज' - 'Image': A Poem on Deaths in the Age of Covid

Modi says Congress committed 'sin' of partition // The Non-politics of the RSS

The Supreme Court, Gandhi and the RSS

A whiff of evil

The Broken Middle - on the 30th anniversary of 1984

Alexandre Koyré The Political Function of the Modern Lie

The emperor's masks: 'apolitical' RSS calls the shots in Modi sarkar

Apoorva Mandhani: Judge Loya's Confidants Died Mysterious Deaths

Investigate Death Of Judge Who Was Hearing Sohrabuddin Sheikh Case: Justice AP Shah

Arun Shourie On Why The SC Must Enquire Into Loya’s Death, And Erosion of Institutions

HC judge who asked Delhi Police to register FIR's against BJP leaders is transferred

एक बात हमेशा ज़हन में सवाल खड़े करती है A question that stays with me... / Ravish Kumar's Speech at Berkeley (2019)

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