JOURNALISTS IN RUSSIA, 1993 TO 2009: Deaths and Disappearances

This database includes all the violent, premature or unexplained deaths of journalists in Russia as recorded by the country's own media monitors since 1993. It also includes journalists and media staff who have disappeared over the same period. A report entitled Partial Justice: An investigation into the deaths of journalists in Russia, 1993-2009 has been published by the International Federation of Journalists. It draws on this database and the other information gathered in Moscow over the past sixteen years by the Glasnost Defence Foundation and the Centre for Journalism inExtreme Situations.

Structure of the database

Each record contains a summary of personal detail and a narrative account of the journalist's work and death. Four entries are particularly important:

  • Incident defines the main categories of death, e.g. accident, crossfire, homicide, terrorist act.
  • Motive assesses whether a particular death was certainly, possibly or probably not linked to the reporting work, and the investigations and publications of the journalist in question. If the link is certain this is indicated as J. If it was not linked, this is indicated as nJ. In cases where there is a possibility of a link, but the death has not been officially investigated or that investigation leaves doubts as to the motive, then the death is indicated as ?J.
  • Federal District plus offers a broad guide to the location where the journalist died.
  • Impunity indicates how far Russia's law enforcement agencies and judicial system have succeeded in identifying and prosecuting those responsible for these deaths.
  • Where a criminal case has been opened the Article of the Criminal Code is indicated in the rubric "qualified as".

Instructions for conducting searches

Select the criteria or enter part of the text to search for and click "Search". You can choose a number of criteria and they will be combined.

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