Nivedita Menon on the open secret of communal violence at election time
What’s wrong with these headlines? (Answer: It’s Election time, Stupid) Muslim families at Ballabhgarh city police station on Wednesday night after fleeing riots in their village.(Express Photo by: Gajendra Yadav) This one image should be issued as a ceremonial postage stamp to commemorate one year of Modi’s rule. We have said it many times already, but here it is, once more, with feeling – this is a bloody, violent Hindutvavaadi regime, with a cool headed, coldly vicious master-mind at its head – he of the Swarovski eye glasses, the 10 Lakh Rupee Suit, the diamond Movado watch – he of the infinite silences on All That Matters. While Modi spouts the inanity beti bachao beti padhao , his menacing goon brigade massed behind his sheltering shadow, chants bahu lao, beti bachao, trying to whip up a storm over the non-existent “love jihad”. While Arun Jaitley “meets Christians” and Rajnath Singh meaninglessly snaps, “All those ...