Full Moon Over (it's beauteous enough to make you weep!)

Full Moon Silhouettes http://vimeo.com/58385453
is a real time video of the moon rising over the Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, New Zealand. People had gathered up there this night to get the best view possible of the moon rising. I captured the video from 2.1km away on the other side of the city. It's something that I've been wanting to photograph for a long time now, and a lot of planning and failed attempts had taken place. Finally, during moon rise on the 28th January 2013, everything fell into place and I got my footage. The video is as it came off the memory card and there has been no manipulation whatsoever. Technically it was quite a challenge to get the final result. I shot it on a Canon ID MkIV in video mode with a Canon EF 500mm f/4L and a Canon 2x extender II, giving me the equivalent focal length of 1300mm.
Music - Tenderness by Dan Phillipson : premiumbeat.com/royalty_free_music/songs/tenderness

Full Moon Over
"none-the-less astounding. A work mate of mine who is also a photographer captured what is, to me, one of the most remarkable things I have ever seen filmed. It is a 3 minute video clip of the full moon rising over Wellington, New Zealand.  http://vimeo.com/58385453

It was shot , on a calm summer evening, as people gathered on the Mt. Victoria Lookout point to watch the moon rise. This stunning video is one single real-time shot, with no manipulation whatsoever. The camera was placed on a hillside over 2 kilometres from the Lookout point, and was shot with the equivalent of a 1300mm lens.

The amount of planning, trial and error, and luck that went into this are mind blowing. He has been trying to capture this for over a year with many failed attempts. But 2 nights ago it seems everything was on his side, and it all came together in a way even he couldn't have hoped. I honestly can't say enough good things about this video - from the magnitude of the visuals, to the intimate stories playing out with the people, to the sheer  humbling nature of seeing the awe-inspiring reality of this giant rock in the sky that we so often don't stop to appreciate. One thing I encourage you to do is watch this on the biggest screen you have - don't  waste it on an iphone screen." http://vimeo.com/58385453

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