40 Classics in Peasant Studies: JPS Virtual Special Issue

Gain free access to 40 classic articles in The Journal of Peasant Studies 
The Journal of Peasant Studies is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and, as part of the anniversary celebrations, we have created the virtual special issue: 40 Classics in Peasant Studies. This collection highlights some of the key articles that have been published in the journal over the past four decades. 
These articles are available for free until the end of 2013. Simply register with us for free, or if you already have an account - sign in to access free content 
Click here to access the virtual special issue! 
Authors include: Bina Agarwal, Henry Bernstein, Jan Breman, Terence Byres, Carmen Diana Deere, Alain de Janvry, JM Dickinson, Harriet Friedmann, Jayati Ghosh, Gillian Hart, Michael Watts, John Harriss, Eric J. Hobsbawm, Cristobal Kay, Mamhmood Mamdani, Joan Martinez-Alier, Sidney Mintz, Bridget O'Laughlin, Utsa Patnaik, James Scott, and Teodor Shanin.

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