T.N. Madan: The Secret of Gandhi’s Greatness // Gopalkrishna Gandhi: We need to do more than lament the tragedy // Sarojini Naidu's AIR broadcast Feb 1, 1948:"My Father, Do Not Rest"
Gandhiji has been killed by his own people for whose redemption he lived. This second crucifixion in the history of the world has been enacted on a Friday - the same day Jesus was done to death one thousand nine hundred and fifteen years ago. Father forgive us Hindusthan Standard January 31, 1948 The Abolition of truth सत्य की हत्या T.N. Madan: What the Secret of Gandhi’s Greatness Really Was By general worldwide recognition, Mohandas K. Gandhi was not only the greatest man of modern India – notwithstanding passionately sincere dissenters such as B.R. Ambedkar – but also one of the greatest figures of the 20th century. Whom would one place by his side as a political leader of our time who stood or stands tall because of moral stature? Nelson Mandela and the present Dalai Lama come to mind. Who else? Charles Andrews, who had once in South Africa been prevented by Gandhi from touching his feet because it would “demean” him, had warned him that he wou...